Founders of the Department

Professor Yishayahu (Charles) Liebman (ז"ל)

Professor Liebman was born in America in 1934.  At 15 he was sent by his parents to study in the Hertzaliya Gymnasium School where he completed his high school studies before returning to America.  Professor Liebman went on to receive his doctorate from the University of Illinois in the field of Urban Politics and began his first teaching role at the University of Pennsylvania. In 1963 he began teaching at Yeshiva University, furthering his interest in contemporary Jewish socio-politics.  Two years later he was awarded a grant for post-doctorate research which he conducted at Columbia University.  Following this Professor Liebman returned to Yeshiva University and focused on research into the politics of American Jewry and published a long series of articles dealing with the public life of American Jewry.  Professor Liebman also did research into the influence of myths and symbols on society.  In 2013 Professor Liebman was awarded the Israel Prize for Political Science.  He will be remembered fondly as a friend, colleague and a leader.  May his memory be for a blessing.

There is a database of articles by Professor Liebman available here


Professor Daniel Elazar (ז"ל)

Professor Elazar was born in Minneapolis in 1934 and did his Masters and his doctorate from the University of Chicago.  Professor Elazar was a renowned political scientist regarded as an expert in the fields of federalism, political culture and the Jewish political tradition, as well as Israeli foreign relations.  Professor Elazar founded the Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs as well as the Centre for the Study of Federalism in Pennsylvania, USA.  Professor Elazar joined the Bar Ilan Political Science department when the department was just forming and during the late Seventies served as the Head of the Department, turning the department into one of Israel’s leading Political Science departments.  In 1986 Professor Elazar was appointed by President Reagan as a member of the Advisory Committee for International Relations of the United States, being reappointed in 1988 and in 1991 as well as various advisory bodies in various Israeli governments.  Professor Elazar authored and edited over 60 books as well as numerous other studies and papers.  He will be remembered fondly as a friend, colleague and a leader.  May his memory be for a blessing.