Dr. Elisheva Rosman is an associate professor in the Political Studies department. After completing her doctoral studies on mediating structures and greedy institutions, she traveled to the University of Texas at Austin for post-doctoral work, where she served as a Schusterman Visiting Professor at the department of Middle Eastern Studies. After returning to Israel, she joined the faculty of the Political Studies department at Bar Ilan. Her research focuses on civil-military relations in general and religio-military relations in particular, both in Israel and in international contexts. Her research projects include: the media image of the Israeli soldier (with Dr. Zipi Israeli of the INSS); religious (male and female soldiers in the IDF; soldiers in the civilian medical system (with Dr. Eran Zaidies and Dr. Jonathan Stanleigh); religious feminism, marriages outside the rabbinate (with Prof. Ruth Halperin-Kaddari), as well as others.
Dr. Rosman is a founding member of the Association of Civil-Military Scholars in Israel and served on its board until 2017. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Israel Studies (AIS). Dr. Rosman is also the Head of the Argov Center for the study of Israel and the Jewish People as of 2019 and Deputy Chair of the department of Political Studies at Bar Ilan University.
Last Updated Date : 06/03/2024