Dr. Eitan Shamir is a senior Lecturer at the Political Science Department, Bar Ilan University and a Senior Research Associate with the Begin Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA Center).
Prior to his academic position, he was in charge of the National Security Doctrine Department at the Ministry of Strategic Affairs, Prime Minister Office. Before joining the Ministry, he was a Senior Fellow at the Dado Center for Interdisciplinary Military Studies (CIMS) at the IDF General Headquarters.
His research interest and publications focus on topics such as strategy, command, military innovation & reforms and military culture. He is the author of Transforming Command: The Pursuit of Mission Command in the US, UK and Israeli Armies, Stanford UP, 2011 as well as the editor, with Prof. Beatrice Heuser of: Insurgencies and Counterinsurgencies: National Styles and Strategic Cultures, Cambridge UP, forthcoming 2016. He has also published articles in leading journals and various book chapters.
Dr. Shamir has been invited for lectures in various leading international institution including: The RAND Corporation, US Military Academy (West Point), US Navy Postgraduate School, Swedish Defense Academy, US Army TRADOC, US Army Mission Command Center of Excellence FL, US Navy War College RI, Maneuver Captains Career Course, Fort Benning GA, US Army, Norway Defense Academy, Oslo, Baltic Defense Academy, Estonia, UK Strategic Forum.
Dr. Shamir has published in leading media outlets such as Ha’aretz, and he Jerusalem Post, and has been interviewed in Army Radio Channel (Galtz) and Channel 2 and 1.
Dr. Shamir has been teaching in the IDF Staff & Command College, IDF Operational Art Course and the IDF Junior Officers academic program. He holds a PhD from the Department of War Studies, King's College London.
Main Career Accomplishments:
My book Transforming Command (Stanford UP 2011), was endorsed by US 18th Chairman of Joint Chief of Staff, General Martin Dempsey (2011-2015).
The book became a required reading in all major command courses including among others: US Army, Marines, Navy and Air Force Staff & Command Colleges and Military Academies as well as the British, Swedes, Norway Military Academies as well as the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).
The Hebrew edition of my book Transforming Command (Stanford UP 2011), Hebrew Edition Pikud Mesima (Ma’arachot – Modan 2014) was awarded Moldaven Prize for Military Literature and January 20 and Honorable Mention, annual Tshetshik Prize in Security Studies, Institute for National security Studies (INSS), 2014.
Efraim Inbar and Eitan Shamir, "Mowing the Grass: Israel’s Strategy for Protracted Intractable Conflict." Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 37 No. 1 (February 2014): 65-90. The article is listed in the ”Most Read” category both in the Journal and in Routledge Strategic Studies “Most Read” category for 2015.
Main Grants and Scholarships:
Winner of Israel Scientific Foundation Grant (ISF), Topic: “Military Emulation Theory and the Americanization of the IDF (1991-2012): Realist and Cultural Factors”.
Winner of Kreitman Foundation Post Doc Fellowship (2011-2012), Ben Gurion University.
Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) Neubauer Research Fellowships, 2008. (Declined).
Recent Invited Lectures:
- Baltic Defense Academy
- Oslo Defense Academy, 2015.
- UK Strategic Defense Forum, UK Ministry of Defense and Oxford University, UK, 2015.
- Oxford University, Changing Character of War Center, 2015.
- US Navy war College, RI, 2014.
- US Marines University, VA, 2014.
- US Army Maneuver Center, GA, 2013.
- IDF Senior Ground Forces Command, Israel.
Public Affairs Involvement
- Coordinated the update of Israel’s national security doctrine, Ministry of Strategic Affairs (2011-2012).
- Frequent speaker in various leading media outlets
- Published many policy papers on strategy and defense in the University BESA Center Strategic Studies
Editorial Board Member
- Infinty Journal
- Strategy and Military (INSS).
To see Dr Perez resume please click here
Last Updated Date : 07/06/2023