
המסורת המדינית היהודית ויישומה
היסטוריה דיפלומטית
היסטוריה צבאית
יחסי צבא-חברה
יחס ההלכה היהודית העכשווית לצבא ולמלחמה
קורות חיים
קורות חיים
תואר שלישי, היסטוריה דיפלומטית, אוניברסיטת אוקספורד, אנגליה
מ.א. היסטוריה מודרנית, אוניברסיטת אוקספורד, אנגליה
ב.א. היסטוריה מודרנית, אוניברסיטת אוקספורד, אנגליה
מלחמת העולם הראשונה
תולדות המלחמה
התפתחות במחשבה צבאית בעת החדשה
The Formulation of British Policy towards Mesopotamia, 1903-1914 (Ithaca,1979)
English Zionists and British Jews: The Communal Politics of Anglo-Jewry (PUP: Princeton, 1982);
The Jewish Polity: Jewish Political Organization from Biblical Times to the Present (with. D.J. Elazar: Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1985).
(בעברית: עדת בני ישראל (ר. מס, ירושלים, 1997
The Three Crowns: Structures of Communal Government in Early Rabbinic Jewry (CUP: Cambridge, 1992);
היסטוריה דיפלומטית של המאה העשרים, שלושה כרכים: האונ' הפתוחה, 1996-1997
The Scroll or the Sword? Dilemmas of Religion and Military Service in Israel (Harwood Academic Press, London, 1997).
Editor: Democratic Societies and their Armed Forces: Israel in Comparative Context (Frank Cass, London, 2000).
Editor (with Milton Shain), Israel: Culture, Religion and Society (University of Cape Town, 2000).
Editor: Democratic Societies and their Armed Forces: Israel in Comparative Context (Frank Cass, London, 2000).
Editor (with Milton Shain), Israel: Culture, Religion and Society (University of Cape Town, 2000).
Recent Articles (since 1992)
"Israel's Changing Military Commitments: Causes and Consequences", Journal of Strategic Studies, vol. 15, no. 3 (1992), pp. 330-350.
"The Hesder Yeshivot in Israel: A Church-State Military Arrangement", Journal of Church and State, vol. 35, no. 1 (1993), pp. 113-130.
"`Masqueraders' in the IDF. The Military Unit and the Public Debate", Low Intensity Conflict and Law Enforcement, vol.2 (1993), pp. 282-300.
"Imperial Policing against Illegal Immigration: The Royal Navy and Palestine, 1945-1948", Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History,. 22 (1994), pp. 275-293.
"Israel and her Army: Towards a Posture of Military Role Contraction?", Journal of Political and Military Sociology,. 17 (1994), pp. 1-21.
"How did the Intifadah Affect the IDF?", Conflict Quarterly, 14 (1994), pp. 7-22.
"Israel's Defense Force: From a 'People's Army' to a 'Professional Force'", Armed Forces & Society,. 21 (1995), pp. 237-254.
"Small States and their Armies: Re-structuring the Militia Format of the Israel Defense Force", The Journal of Strategic Studies, 18 (1995), pp. 78-93.
"The Peace Process and its Impact on the Development of a 'Smaller and Smarter' IDF", Israel Affairs, 1 (1995), pp. 1-21.
"The Image of the IDF as an Issue in the 1992 Election Campaign", Israel at the Polls, 1992 (eds. D.J. Elazar & S. Sandler; Langham, MD, 1995), pp. 157-174.
"'How shall we sing of Zion in a strange land?' East European immigrants and the challenge of Zionism in Britain, 1895-1920", Jewish Social Studies, 1 (2), (winter 1995), pp. 101-122.
גרסה מורחבת של מס' 7, יחד עם אילן סולימן, בתוך: מערכות , 341 (1995), עמ' 2-16.
גרסה מורחבת של מס' 5, בתוך: ישראל לקראת שנת 200 (בעריכת ב. קניפז ומשה ליסק (מגנס: ירושלים 1996), עמ' 215-232.
גרסה מורחבת של מס' 5, בתוך: ישראל לקראת שנת 200 (בעריכת ב. קניפז ומשה ליסק (מגנס: ירושלים 1996), עמ' 215-232.
"Towards a New Portrait of the (New) Israeli Soldier", Israel Affairs, 3 (1997), pp. 77-117.
"The Concept of the Three Ketarim. Their place in Jewish political thought and implications for the study of Jewish constitutional history", Kinship and Consent: The Jewish Political Tradition and its Contemporary Uses (ed. D.J.Elazar; Transaction Books, Brunswick, N.J., 1997), pp. 47-76.
"The Peace Process and Societal-Military Relations in Israel", in: The Middle East Peace Process: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (ed. I. Peleg: SUNY Press, Albany, N.Y., 1998), pp. 107-122.
"The Concept of the Three Ketarim. Their place in Jewish political thought and implications for the study of Jewish constitutional history", Kinship and Consent: The Jewish Political Tradition and its Contemporary Uses (ed. D.J.Elazar; Transaction Books, Brunswick, N.J., 1997), pp. 47-76.
"The Peace Process and Societal-Military Relations in Israel", in: The Middle East Peace Process: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (ed. I. Peleg: SUNY Press, Albany, N.Y., 1998), pp. 107-122.
גרסה מורחבת של מס' 4, בתוך הציונות , מאסף 21 (1998), עמ' 195-224
"Between the Transcendental and the Temporal: Security and the Religious Jewish Community", Security Concerns: Insights from the Israeli Experience (ed. D. Bar-Tal, D. Jacobson, & A. Klieman: JAI Press: CT, 1998), pp. 371-393.
"Religious Motives and Motifs in Anglo-Jewish Opposition to Zionism, 1895-1920", Zionism and Religion (ed. Sh. Almog, J. Reinharz, & A. Shapira: Brandeis University Press, Hanover, 1998), pp. 159-173.
"From integration to segregation: The role of religion in the IDF", Armed Forces & Society, 25 (3), spring 1999, pp. 387-406.
"Military Service in Israel: No Longer a Cohesive Force", Jewish Journal of Sociology, 39 (1999), pp. 5-23.
"Religious Motives and Motifs in Anglo-Jewish Opposition to Zionism, 1895-1920", Zionism and Religion (ed. Sh. Almog, J. Reinharz, & A. Shapira: Brandeis University Press, Hanover, 1998), pp. 159-173.
"From integration to segregation: The role of religion in the IDF", Armed Forces & Society, 25 (3), spring 1999, pp. 387-406.
"Military Service in Israel: No Longer a Cohesive Force", Jewish Journal of Sociology, 39 (1999), pp. 5-23.
"המגבלות של צבא מילואים: לקחי מלחמת יום הכיפורים", מערכות, 366-7 (1999), עמ' 56-75.
English version of no. 22 in Israel Affairs, 1999
"Israel: Still Waiting in the Wings" (with R. Gal), in: Post-modern Armies (ed. C. Moskos; Oxford University Press, 2000), pp. 351-389.
"How to mount a successful coup d'etat: Lessons from the Bible (II Kings chap.11, II Chronicles chap. 23", Diplomacy and Statecraft, vol. 11 no. 3 (2000), pp. 1-28.
"Changing societal-military relations in Israel: The operational implications", Contemporary Strategy, vol. 33 (2000), pp. 33-79.
"Israel's Three Strategic Challenges", Middle East Quarterly , vol. 6/4 (2000), pp. 41-50.
"Israel and her Army: From Convergence to Confusion, 1948-1998", in Israel: Culture, Religion and Society (edited by Stuart A. Cohen and Milton Shain, University of Cape Town, 2000), pp. 75-87.
"The Scroll or the Sword? Tensions between Judaism and military service in Israel", in: Democratic Societies and their Armed Forces: Israel in Comparative Context (edited: S. Cohen, Frank Cass, London, 2000), pp. 254-273.
"צה"ל - חלופות לבניין הכוח", מרקם הבטחון, בעריכת חגי גולן (מערכות: ת"א, 2001), עמ' 19-41.
עורך תרבות דמוקרטית, מס' 4-5 (2001) בנושא "צבא וחברה בישראל". מחבר "מבוא" ו"המשמעות החברתית של השירות הצבאי בישראל: עיון מחדש" (יחד עם אורי בגנו), עמ' 131-150.
עורך תרבות דמוקרטית, מס' 4-5 (2001) בנושא "צבא וחברה בישראל". מחבר "מבוא" ו"המשמעות החברתית של השירות הצבאי בישראל: עיון מחדש" (יחד עם אורי בגנו), עמ' 131-150.
"The Israel Defense Force: Continuity and Change", Armed Forces in the Middle East: Politics and Strategy (eds. B. Rubin & T.A. Keaney: Frank Cass, London, 2002), pp. 162-188.
"Dimensions of Tension between Religion and Military Service in Contemporary Israel", Military, State and Society in Israel: Essays in Honor of Moshe Lissak (eds. D. Maman, E. Ben-Ari & Z. Rosenhek: Transaction, New Brunswick, 2002), pp. 173-201.
"Dimensions of Tension between Religion and Military Service in Contemporary Israel", Military, State and Society in Israel: Essays in Honor of Moshe Lissak (eds. D. Maman, E. Ben-Ari & Z. Rosenhek: Transaction, New Brunswick, 2002), pp. 173-201.
"ספרא או סייפא? שאלות של דת ושירות צבאי בישראל בשנות ה-90", בתוך:דת ולאומיות בישראל ובמזרח התיכון, בעריכת נרי הורביץ (ת"א: עם עובד ומרכז יצחק רבין, 2003), עמ' 235-253.
"Why Do They Quarrel? Civil-Military Tensions in LIC Situations", The Review of International Affairs, 2/3 (spring 2003), pp. 21-40.
"Dilemmas of Military Service in Israel: The Religious Dimension", The Tora u-Madda Journal, vol. 12 (2004): 1-23.
"The Changing Jewish Discourse on Armed Conflict: Themes and Implications", Terrorism and Political Violence , forthcoming, 2005.
"Ethical asymmetries in ethnic conflicts: Lessons from the Israeli experience", Strategic Studies Institute of the US Army War College: Papers (ed. Conrad C. Crane; US Army War College, Carlisle, Penn., forthcoming 2005).
"Israel and her army: Current Changes and Future Prospects", in: The Military and Civil Society (ed. Judith Jaffee: Institute for National Strategic Studies, Washington D.C., forthcoming 2005).
"Managing Human Resources in a Changing Security Environment: Recent Experiences in the IDF", in: The Post-Modern Military: Rethinking the Future (ed. Terri McConville: Taylor & Francis and The Royal Military College of Science, London, 2005, forthcoming).
"Dilemmas of Military Service in Israel: The Religious Dimension", The Tora u-Madda Journal, vol. 12 (2004): 1-23.
"The Changing Jewish Discourse on Armed Conflict: Themes and Implications", Terrorism and Political Violence , forthcoming, 2005.
"Ethical asymmetries in ethnic conflicts: Lessons from the Israeli experience", Strategic Studies Institute of the US Army War College: Papers (ed. Conrad C. Crane; US Army War College, Carlisle, Penn., forthcoming 2005).
"Israel and her army: Current Changes and Future Prospects", in: The Military and Civil Society (ed. Judith Jaffee: Institute for National Strategic Studies, Washington D.C., forthcoming 2005).
"Managing Human Resources in a Changing Security Environment: Recent Experiences in the IDF", in: The Post-Modern Military: Rethinking the Future (ed. Terri McConville: Taylor & Francis and The Royal Military College of Science, London, 2005, forthcoming).
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 24/10/2018